The collected works of Walter Buhler

Welcome to Walt Buhler’s website! We’ve collected images of the many paintings and prints that he has created so that his artwork can be seen as a whole. His work is arranged by decades; in the “Themes” section we will focus on the artist’s inspiration and methods.

This website has been created by his children, who watched their father sketching on vacation – taking photographs in the neighborhood, painting in his studio and exhibiting yearly. We grew up in a home full of colorful images which reflected our lives and it is our pride and joy to be able to see all of his works collected here.

When he had time away from his work as an art teacher, Walter Buhler was continually collecting images – in the form of sketches or in the form of photographs – and then translating these to canvas. He exhibited once yearly, and carefully documented his works before his shows. These slides have been stored for decades, and were no longer in prime condition when we had them scanned for this project. We are thankful for any images that you could share with us, should you have a painting in your home.

Please refer to the “Painting record” for further details on each piece.

Paintings 1965 – 1975
Paintings 1976 – 1985
Paintings 1986 – 1995
Paintings 1996 – 2006